We are professional team of excited young people. We love what we do and that´s why we give our best organizing various events for every taste and age group including festivals. parties, trips, gatherings, networking events, charity events, sport events (pilates, zumba, bodyworkout), educational and creative workshops, even activities for children or spiritual events (meditation, yoga, belly dance, gong bath, workshops). All events are open to public and guided in English. In case of necessity we can provide translation to Slovak and some other languages

Like what you see? Want to try our services ? Contact us on: info@internationals.sk. With great pleasure we will organize a perfect event for you ;)

You can find all our events in the Eventland mobile app as well – download for free here: www.eventland.eu

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Face yoga – Basic course

Friday, 31 March, 2017 @ 19:00 - 20:45

***Slovencina nizsie***


As we age we always want to turn back time, look younger
get rid of a double chin, under-eye puffiness, nasolabial folds, return our face to more youthfull look again
We invite you to FACE YOGA course, where you will be taught how to became younger , without scalpel and botox.
What can you expect and will learn on this course?
 Principles of natural anti-ageing method – FACE YOGA
 Basic set of exercises for every-day practice for your face muscles
 Basic face massage
 You will get instructions how to practice at home
 Individual advice and recommendations for your face
And we will have for sure a lot of fun together 
language > ENGLISH
Date : 31 –st of March, 18.30 – 20.15, New community centre Internationals Bratislava, Námestie SNP 22, Bratislava
Registration fee : 35 EUR
For more information and registration please contact me by email zuzka@tvarovajoga.sk
Or by phone : +421 902 980 416
So if you are interested, sign up please, I am looking forward to see you!
Aj vy máte občas chuť zastaviť čas, vyzerať mladšie, zbaviť sa dvojitej brady či opuchov pod očami, nazolabiálnej vrásky, dať svojej pleti opäť mladistvý vzhľad? Pozývame vás na základný kurz tvárovej jogy, kde sa naučíte ako vyzerať lepšie, mladšie, bez použitia skalpela či botoxu.
Čo sa spolu naučíme ?
 Princípy prirodzenej metódy omladenia tváre – Tvárovej jogy
 Základný set cvikov na precvičenie celej tváre
 Tipy a rady ako zakomponovať cvičenie do vášho denného programu
 Dostanete materiály a inštrukcie na cvičenie doma
 Individuálne poradenstvo a inštrukcie
A určite zažijeme spolu veľa zábavy! 
Dátum : 31.3. od 18:30 – 20:15,Komunitné centrum Internationals Bratislava
Cena kurzu : 35 EUR
Registrovať sa môžete emailom na zuzka@tvarovajoga.sk alebo telefonicky : +421 902 980 416
Rezervujte si svoje miesto , teším sa na vás!


Friday, 31 March, 2017
19:00 - 20:45


Internationals Bratislava
Namestie SNP 22
Bratislava, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
+ Google Map
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