We are professional team of excited young people. We love what we do and that´s why we give our best organizing various events for every taste and age group including festivals. parties, trips, gatherings, networking events, charity events, sport events (pilates, zumba, bodyworkout), educational and creative workshops, even activities for children or spiritual events (meditation, yoga, belly dance, gong bath, workshops). All events are open to public and guided in English. In case of necessity we can provide translation to Slovak and some other languages
Like what you see? Want to try our services ? Contact us on: info@internationals.sk. With great pleasure we will organize a perfect event for you ;)
You can find all our events in the Eventland mobile app as well – download for free here: www.eventland.eu

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Start a business/dream job from 0 by Maria Hrvatić
Friday, 3 March, 2017 @ 19:00 - 20:30

My name is Maria, originally from Croatia. I came to Slovakia in 2010 to work for IBM completely alone. It was my first time here and I did not know anyone. I had literally nothing to start with.
Being a foreigner in a new country, a lonely newcomer, I thought, I cannot be the only one. I formed a small group of foreigners and started to organize small trips and events for them in order to socialize.
It was an idea. A passion or call it a hobby. But this drove my heart and the destiny turned this little group of 20 people and suddenly we had 1000 members.
My passion became my entrepreneurial success. I started my own successful business and I will show you that you can do it too. Join me for the talk about how to build your own business with minimum expenses and how to avoid mistakes in building a business. Find something you like to do and just do it. That’s how real entrepreneurs always start.
In 2015 I left my 7-year long career in corporation.
Today I live my dream – I do what I like, when I like and with whom I like and people pay me for that.
This interactive discussion/workshop will be on Friday 3.3. at 19:00 in the centre of Bratislava.
We will discuss about start up possibilities in Slovakia, on how to actually find your dream job if you still do not have it and once you find it how to set up a company even with 0 capital, how to transition and manage your corporate job while developing a dream job.
Capacity of the group is only 15 – I will be able to approach you individually, you need to make a reservation and buy ticket in advance via: info@intermationals.sk – just send an email with your name and we will send you payment details
Workshop will be held in English – however I also speak fluent Slovak,Italian and Croatian and can approach and I am planing in the future to organize workshops in these languages
On a comprehension level I also manage: Spanish, German, French and almost all Slavic languages (you can speak too me in any of these and I can reply you in English/Slovak)
so do not worry if your English is not perfect, we will manage 😉
early bid before 10.2.2017 – 2.5 eur per person
from 10.2.2017-2.3. – 5 eur per person
on spot 6 eur
all materials and refreshments included, you do not neet bring anything