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Language course: Let’s learn Slovak – Naučme sa po slovensky
Monday, 21 September, 2015 @ 17:30 - 19:00

Where: Greentree caffe, Obchodna ulica 29
149 EUR standard price
99 EUR reduced price for: students under 26 with valid ISIC card, retirees, teachers, persons older than 60 or younger than 18, unemployed – as a proof you will need to show valid document on the first lesson – Valid ISIC card – if student, ID if younger than 18, older than 60, confirmation from labor office (ie you need to be registered in labor office) not older than 3 months if unemployed from any country (in Slovak: “Oznamenie o zaradeni obcana do eveidencii uchadzacov o zamestnanie”)There are two possibilities how to pay the course
1. one time charge 149 eur or 99 eur – needs to be paid by 7.9.2015
2. Two installments (10% more expensive) – first installment 82 eur or 54.5 eur by 7.9 and second installment 82 eur or 54.5 eur by 17.10 (164 or 109 eur together)If you are not satisfied with the course, after the first attended class you write us an email and we reimburse you whole sum you paid.This dynamic course includes weekly conversation activities about everyday topics designed to increase students’ confidence in speaking Slovak in a fun and comfortable atmosphere. – 2 times a week from September 16 2015 to January 27th 2016 hours of intensive Slovak in total 66 hours.
Media partner: www.welcometobratislava.eu
Class description
This course focuses on:
+ Conversation (Speaking & Listening skills)
+ Everyday Vocabulary Building
+ Speaking Accuracy & Fluency
+ Pronunciation
Taught by teachers of international programs at the Law Academy and Faculty of Management
The focus of the course is to improve students’ conversation skills and to activate learned grammar structures and vocabulary in speaking.
Each week, classes are focused on a different practical topic from grocery shopping, going out flat hunting to job interviews.
Beginner Curriculum – Levels 1, 2, A, B
Money, Food, Shopping, Going to Restaurants, Transportation, etc.
Travel, Education, Slovak and International Culture, Music, Fashion, Movies etc.
News & Complicated Issues and Arguments, Sciences and Environment Job interviews, etc.