We are professional team of excited young people. We love what we do and that´s why we give our best organizing various events for every taste and age group including festivals. parties, trips, gatherings, networking events, charity events, sport events (pilates, zumba, bodyworkout), educational and creative workshops, even activities for children or spiritual events (meditation, yoga, belly dance, gong bath, workshops). All events are open to public and guided in English. In case of necessity we can provide translation to Slovak and some other languages
Like what you see? Want to try our services ? Contact us on: info@internationals.sk. With great pleasure we will organize a perfect event for you ;)
You can find all our events in the Eventland mobile app as well – download for free here: www.eventland.eu

- This event has passed.
ESN Internationals Carnival party
Thursday, 21 February, 2019 @ 21:30 - 5:00

***Slovenčina nižšie***
any questions, reservations —> info@internationals.sk, we respond within 5 hours. Party is open to everyone domestic and foreigners, you do not need to make reservation. It is not mandatory to wear a costume, you will get a mask at the entrance if you want.
Dear friends of Internationals Bratislava,
The next Internationals Bratislava party will be held in the spirit of Carnival on 21th of February in The Club Bratislava. Your very own Masked Ball
Come in any disguise and don’t forget if you don’t have a mask, we will give you one for FREE. You can compete as one of the 7 best costumes for truly great prizes.
So put your imagination into overdrive, creativity and effort will be rewarded. For a plethora of entertainment, music, dance and extra discounts on special drinks make this night your night to party, along with lots of party people from all over the World.
You can dress up also in The Club if you do not feel comfortable walking in costumes through the city.
And beware that the dress code is not mandatory – we will not prohibit you to enter the party without a costume but you can at least try to wear something! – you can always find some old clothes and put a lot of make up
Entry fee:
all ladies FREE entry before 22
ladies after 22 – 5 eur
men – 6 eur
students with ESN card whole night 4 eur
students with ISIC card whole night 4.5.eur
Every entry fee includes welcome drink.
Welcome drinks we are distributing by 1 Am, so if you want to get it arrive before that time
if you have a birthday 5 days before or after this party have a free entry (you need to show id)
Special offer:
Cocktail Cuba Libre 3.90 eur
Sex on the Beach 3.90 eur
Bottle Service – Vodka – 65 eur
Media Partners:
ESN: www.esn.sk
Dj Maghi: www.djmaghitn.com
Welcome to Bratislava: www.welcometobratislava.eu
The Daily sk: www.thedaily.sk
Any info, table reservations: info@internationals.sk – we will respond within 2 hours
You can borrow costumes here: www.pozicovnamasiek.sk
and here you can buy them here: www.koloria.sk
Special offer :
Cocktail Cuba Libre 3 eur
Sex on the Beach 3 eur
Bottle Service – Vodka – 55 eur
Yours Internationals Bratislava team
Ďalšia Internationals Bratislava party sa bude niesť v duchu fašiangov a maškarného bálu vo štvrtok 15. februára v Bratislavskom The Clube. Príďte v akejkoľvek maske a ak si žiadnu nestihnete zadovážiť, dáme vám škrabošku. Skúsiť môžete face paintig alebo sa dajte ozdobiť originálnou hennou – mehendi, to všetko je na párty úplne zadarmo! A nemusíte ani čakať v rade v maľovacom kútiku, rezervujte si miesto na info@internationals.sk
Samozrejme súťažíme aj o skvelé ceny, ktoré vyhrá sedem najlepších kostýmov. Tak zapojte svoju fantáziu na plné obrátky, kreativita a snaha sa vám určite vyplatí. Okrem množstva zábavy, hudby, tanca, extra zľiav na špeciálne drinky vás čaká hlavne veľa party people z rôznych krajín.
Dievčatá do 22:00 – zadarmo
Dievcata po 22:00 – 5 eur
Studenti s ISIC kartou– 4.5 € počas celej noci, 4 eur s ESNcard
Muzi – 6 eur
Kazdy vstup obsahuje welcome drink a skrabosku
Welcome drinky sa podávajú do 2:00 hodiny v noci, tak ich nezmeškaj!
Špeciálna ponuka večera:
Cuba libre – 3.9€
Sex on the beach – 3.9€
Bottle service – vodka – 65€
Nezabudni doraziť na párty pred pol jednou a vyhrať ceny v tombole!
Mediálny partneri: DJ Maghi: www.djmaghitn.com Welcome to Bratislava: www.welcometobratislava.eu The Daily: www.thedaily.sk, ESN: www.esn.sk
Ďalšie info, rezervácia stola na: info@internationals.sk – odpovieme do 5 hodin
Váš Internationals Bratislava tím