Foreigners stories

Let’s go for hand-made shoes by Design 37!!

shoes 1Women love shoes. What if I tell you that you can have a unique pair of shoes that no one else has. Your wishes might come true if you stop by the company Design 37 run by Boyan, a future Bulgarian Manolo Blahnik. He is a father of twins who turned his hobby into a job. His parents are painters so he definitely inherited some artistic genes.

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His little store is situated at Michalska 7, right in the downtown. He came first to Slovakia in 2007, and he returned with his whole family previous year in May. He first had a kid´s shoes company with his friend in 2000 in Bulgaria.


When he got married, he started to produce shoes for his wife as a hobby. Now it is already 8 years of making shoes. What is so unique about his shoes? They are all hand-made, even the parts are hand-sewn. Moreover, he uses only genuine leather he mostly gets from Italy. Boyan was so nice and he showed me the procedure how he makes a shoe. I am telling you it is not easy at all. It requires lots of persistence, hard-work and you need to be super precise and patient. Do you know how long it takes him to make a pair of shoes? One day. Boyan is a nice guy with a great humor and he finishes the conversation with a nice saying that shoes are the only accessories that do not change when you change your weightJ.

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If you dream about unique shoes, you can reach out Boyan at the following websites: