We are professional team of excited young people. We love what we do and that´s why we give our best organizing various events for every taste and age group including festivals. parties, trips, gatherings, networking events, charity events, sport events (pilates, zumba, bodyworkout), educational and creative workshops, even activities for children or spiritual events (meditation, yoga, belly dance, gong bath, workshops). All events are open to public and guided in English. In case of necessity we can provide translation to Slovak and some other languages
Like what you see? Want to try our services ? Contact us on: info@internationals.sk. With great pleasure we will organize a perfect event for you ;)
You can find all our events in the Eventland mobile app as well – download for free here: www.eventland.eu

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Welcome to Slovakia workshop for newcomers
Monday, 9 January, 2017 @ 18:00 - 19:30
Home isn´t a place, it´s a feeling.
Are you a newcomer in Slovakia? Residing here less than 6 months? Then you certainly found out how difficult is to quickly gather basic informations, when you need them. Maybe you even felt lost and helpless. We assure you, we intimatetly know the feeling. We are Internationals Bratislava – community established by expats for international people. Our journey began when we were sheer foreigners, experiencing local ways and culture. Nowadays we´re guiding you trough local night (and day) life, nature, we organize events and activities where you can get to know local and international people, and much more. We´re like a family here and we work hard to make Bratislava our home.
Settle down with us! Easily, comfortably and – for FREE! You just need to make your reservation at: info@internationals.sk
Workshop will be guided by Maria Hrvatic – expat from Croatia and founder of Internationals Bratislava organization. Living in Slovakia for 5 years, Maria is going to overwhelm you with plenty of useful, firsthand informations! 🙂
During this workshop you will find out: where to find an English speaking doctor, hairdresser, any foreigners-friendly bars in Bratislava, student communities, , kindergartens, how to call and use a taxi in Bratislava, where to do sports, where to socialize, everything about public transport- trains, planes and bus timetables, and a guide to how to read them. We will talk about paperwork and present an overview of organizations for foreigners. You will discover Slovak traditions, customs, business etiquette, but also Slovak food and locations of International restaurants and shops in Bratislava. You´ll learn where to find an accommodation here, how to search for International jobs ….and many more fresh informations. We must remind you though: we are just non-slovak volunteers that will share their experiences, not legal advisors. Therefore we´re not providing any kind of expertize, nor we provide a legal aid.
Once again: this workshop is aimed for people that arrived in Slovakia in the last 6 months, but we won´t check your ID, so if you are here longer and didn´t yet settle down, feel free to join us. 🙂 Every participant needs to make a reservation at: info@internationals.sk
This workshop is organized by:
Ergo poistovna: www.ergo.sk
Internationals Bratislava: www.internationals.sk
Media partner:
Welcome to Bratislava: www.welcometobratislava.eu