We are professional team of excited young people. We love what we do and that´s why we give our best organizing various events for every taste and age group including festivals. parties, trips, gatherings, networking events, charity events, sport events (pilates, zumba, bodyworkout), educational and creative workshops, even activities for children or spiritual events (meditation, yoga, belly dance, gong bath, workshops). All events are open to public and guided in English. In case of necessity we can provide translation to Slovak and some other languages
Like what you see? Want to try our services ? Contact us on: info@internationals.sk. With great pleasure we will organize a perfect event for you ;)
You can find all our events in the Eventland mobile app as well – download for free here: www.eventland.eu

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International trip to Bojnice castle and surroundings
Saturday, 19 August, 2017 @ 7:30 - 21:00

Dear Internationals,
So here´s our next International one-day trip, on the 19st of August, this time to Slovakia. We will see the fairy-tale Bojnice castle, the most beautiful in Slovakia, the Arboretum Mlyňany, the biggest botanical garden in Central Europe with a lots of exotic trees and plants…
This is comepletly organized tour with the bus guided in English. Bojnice-Bratislava distance is 190km
Everyone is welcome (Foreigners and Slovaks) and feel free to invite your friends!
Approximate Program (it will be updated latest 10 days before the trip):
7:30 departure from Bratislava
9:30 – 11:30 – visit of the Arboretum Mlyňany
13:00 – lunch break in Bojnice, here:
16:00 – visit of the Bojnice castle
From 17-18:30 free time – we go together for a drink
Coming back to Bratislava around 21
Eearly bid price before 25.7: 19 eur (includes only transport + small snacks in the bus)
After 25.7 – 29 eur
What is not included in the price of 19 ir 29 eur and what is optional is:
Entry to Bojnice castle: 8 eur (5 eur students under 26, kids 3.5 eur)
Entry to Arboretum Mlynany: 3.5 eur (2.5 eur students under 26)
Please confirm your arrival by writing to: info@internationals.sk – than we send you payment details and after you pay your reservation is confrimed.
As stated above price of 19 or 29 eur includes only transport + small snacks. Lunch (you pay your own consumption) and tour of the Bojnice castle (8 eur) are optional and not included in that price.
Capacity is 20 – first arrive, first served. Accepting invite on fb does not mean confirmed reservation.
f you have any other question feel free to write us: info@internationals.sk, we respond within 2,3 hours.
Your Internationals Bratislava team
Media parter: www.welcometobratislava.eu
Find this and many other events in this free event mobile app:www.eventland.eu